Architect Helen Pang’s unique design process starts with story. She invites her clients to use their own language and voice to tell the narrative of their everyday lives, their visions, their thoughts about what their new home or space might feel like. Instead of collecting a static list of rooms and spaces, it is this element of story that she uses as the starting point for the design process. When working with more complex user groups, she collects input from all users and demographics, including children, public and staff - to inform next steps, to see how spaces might work or overlap to allow groups to thrive, and help Helen and her team get into the minds of her clients.

The land and site is equally respected, with its unique conditions and histories. Helen works with existing conditions to explore how new work might acknowledge, respect or elevate the natural environment and how a project fits within the greater surrounding context.

Whether it be a family with multiple generations who want to live together, or a community group that needs a space to share for decades to come, each project follows the the same key priorities. Everyone deserves good, clean, simple, thoughtful design to both embrace and enhance our human experiences. And the best design solutions arise through a positive collaborative atmosphere - working closely with clients and builders - to find site-specific opportunities that balance the realities of budget, timeline and jurisdiction.

Member, Architectural Institute of British Columbia
M.Arch, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
BA, Art History, University of Victoria, Victoria

CHUM auditorium, skin study with Cannon Design Inc.